Today we celebrate the great festival of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church when the Holy Spirit inspired the apostles to break out of their locked room and share the good news that Jesus the Christ was risen, with the world. Pentecost was this mega-epiphany moment where all the light switches were turned on for the disciples. Their world was turned upside down and nothing was the same again. They had gone from terrified, bumbling men, who had never really grasped what Jesus was about, to true apostles and confident, fearless, dynamic preachers who couldn’t help but share the good news. The results of this amazing moment when the gifts of the Spirit were poured out on the disciples, has not stopped ever since.
Pentecost is a time when we remember that we’re not alone, God’s Holy Spirit, the promised Comforter and Advocate is with us, and that all our excuses about ‘we’re only human’, have a bit of an edge, because we’re actually enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit to be the people God has called to be. It’s a day when we remember that God is ahead of us, around us and comes to us in grace. Through the power of the Spirit, God is tearing down walls, bringing freedom and unity, and empowering the people of God. The results of this amazing moment are the gifts of the Spirit, when he hovers above us, we are filled with discernment and gratitude, truth and charity. It is by their fruits that you will know them. Today is a day above everything to celebrate!
In peace, Mother Lynda