As we move through the Easter season, we meet the risen Christ, and we spend time reflecting on what the reality of the resurrection is for us, here and now. In the coming weeks we will hear about the hope, joy and peace that is ours to take hold of in our lives, because Jesus the Christ is risen.
On this week of our liturgical calendar each year, we are reminded that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the one who cares for the sheep. As urban city dwellers it’s often a stretch for our minds to fully grasp this imagery, but the image of God as the shepherd is a persistent theme throughout Scripture that speaks of God’s deep care for us, and God’s unconditional love.
At the centre of our reflection today is the twenty-third psalm. This beloved psalm that many of us have known since our childhood, reminds us that God not only accompanies us throughout our life’s journey, but then welcomes us as we depart this life for eternity. It reminds us that we can have complete confidence in God’s protection and love at all times, confidence in the one who sustains our life, restores and comforts us, and who has promised to never leave us – ever. This psalm, this theme of God’s loving care for us as the shepherd cares for his sheep, is part of our Easter journey. ‘The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.’
In Peace, Mother Lynda
Gospel Reading: John 10:22-30